Please remind your parents that there will be a Jekyll Island Informational meeting will be FEBRUARY 2 AT 7PM IN THE MEDIA CENTER.
Tonight for HW, complete the word problems about the moon that should be glued into your EARTH journal.
1) The tallest mountain on the Earth is Mt. Everest which is 8848m tall. K2, which is 8611m tall, is also in the Himalayan mountains and considered a sister mountain to Mt. Everest. The tallest mountain (although not the highest point) on the moon is Mons Huygens at 4.7km tall. If Mons Huygens is the moon’s Mt. Everest, which lunar mountain is closest to the Moon’s K2, Mons Hadley at 4.6km tall or Mt. Bradley at 4.2km tall? Show your work
2) The highest point on the moon is on the far side (the side we don’t see). It is 6500m higher than Mons Huygens. Is the highest point on the moon higher than Mt. Everest? Show your work
To learn more about mountains on the moon, please check out this link.
More Practice Problems for Metric Conversion
ms.cannon for number 4 i did't get the measurement 8,400,0011.
alex matos
hey mrs cannon, can u post the conversion problems up?